Customer Code of Conduct

The Regional Transportation District makes lives better through connections, 无论是将客户与其最终目的地连接起来,还是与系统上的其他人连接起来. To support all types of connections, RTD asks its customers to follow a set of behavioral guidelines called Respect the Ride.

Respect the Ride focuses on providing a safe, 方便, and enjoyable experience for all customers, while also discouraging disruptive or antisocial behaviors.

Being respectful of other customers and considerate to RTD’s employees does not take more than common courtesy.


RTD strives to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and has equal access to transportation. In order to provide for the safety, 方便, and comfort of all persons, RTD制定了本行为准则(准则),规定了禁止可能对使用产生不利影响的某些行为的规则, 操作, or occupancy of RTD vehicles (including RTD buses, Access-a-Ride车辆, FlexRide车辆, 轻轨车辆, and commuter rail vehicles), facilities (including bus and rail stations, 停车设施, 公交车站, 公交候车亭, 广场和喷泉, 和行政, 操作, and maintenance facilities), 或财产.

执行前, RTD will make every attempt to first educate a person on conduct prohibited by this Code. 然而, any person who eng年龄s in prohibited conduct may be subject to enforcement ranging from a verbal or written warning, 立即暂停, or a criminal citation (see Section 5: “Enforcement”).



This Code of Conduct was initially approved on December 20, 2016, by RTD’s Board of Directors and thereafter amended on July 21, 2020, 6月27日, 2023.


Respect the Ride focuses on providing a safe, 方便, and enjoyable experience for all customers, while also discouraging disruptive or antisocial behaviors. Individuals are prohibited from committing, 试图提交, or assisting any other person or combination of persons to commit, the following acts or behaviors in or on any RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产.


1. Being within any RTD fare-paid area without prior payment of the proper fare.

2. Failing to possess or purchase valid fare when accessing RTD’s transit services. Riding an RTD vehicle without proper fare or complying with RTD fare payment man年龄ment systems (including but not limited to failure to obtain and keep evidence of payment such as transfers and tickets; failure to validate a mobile ticket; and failure to tap smart card media in accordance with RTD procedures.

3. 未有遵从本署要求站在警告条(包括黄色触觉条)后面或本署车辆或物业的其他安全位置.

4. Failing to exit an RTD vehicle once fare media has expired or upon reaching its final destination.

5. Unauthorized presence in or on any RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产 after hours of 操作.

6. Unauthorized presence on any RTD property that is not open to the public.

7. 在交通管制或行人管制的十字路口或指定的人行横道以外的任何地点穿越铁路专用线.

8. Violating the terms of or failing to have possession of an RTD Facilities Vendor License or Use Permit when required. Commercial activity and certain other activities that, 例如, involve use of equipment or may attract large crowds require such a license or permit.

Smoking, Eating, Drinking, and Littering

9. Smoking or vaping any substance including but not limited to tobacco (as defined in the Colorado Clean In门 Air Act), or use of chewing tobacco, on any RTD vehicle or within any prohibited area. “Prohibited area” for purposes of this rule includes:

a. Any RTD 设施 或财产 where smoking is prohibited by 状态 或者当地法律.

b. Any in门 RTD 设施.

c. Any out门 or enclosed RTD 设施 或财产 where “no smoking” signs are posted.

d. The area within a radius of 15 feet of the main entry or 门way to an in门 RTD 设施.

10. 饮用任何酒精饮料或大麻,或在任何RTD车辆内或车辆上管有任何酒精饮料或大麻的开口容器, 设施, 或财产.

11. Bringing open food or bever年龄 containers onto RTD vehicles. Food must be kept in a sealed or resealable containers, and bever年龄s must be sealed or in a spill-proof container. Eating on any RTD vehicle is only allowable to the extent that it is medically necessary.

12. Distributing or posting handbills on RTD vehicles 或财产, or on vehicles parked on RTD property, except as otherwise authorized by RTD’s 设施使用政策.

13. Littering (including the intentional spilling food or liquids).


14. 从事破坏性行为,严重干扰其他客户使用或访问RTD服务,或严重干扰RTD人员履行公务.

15. Engaging in harassment, sexual harassment, or bullying. This includes offensive behavior, unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, 或虐待, repeated conduct directed toward an individual because of their sex, 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 性别认同, 怀孕, 祖先, 年龄, 军事地位, 残疾, 遗传信息, or any other status protected by law.

16. Engaging in langu年龄 that is violent, profane, or calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. This includes fighting words or threatening langu年龄 that causes customers, RTD的员工, or RTD contractors to fear for their safety.

17. 操作任何用于听音乐或其他声音的设备(用于通信的移动电话除外)而不戴耳机或在声音仍会引起干扰的音量水平下操作.

18. Use of a bull horn or similar device to willfully disrupt the provision of transit services or public safety.

19. Soliciting or otherwise engaging in unwanted conversation with any other person while such person is a captive audience (i.e., while standing in line for or riding in a vehicle).

20. Engaging in activities not authorized by 设施使用政策.


21. Taking any animal into an RTD in门 设施, onto a vehicle or within a fare paid area unless: (1) the animal is intended and trained to assist a person with a 残疾; (2) the animal is in training to assist a person with a 残疾; or (3) the animal is in an appropriate animal carrier (including locked, standard commercial containers in the underfloor lugg年龄 bays of regional bus coaches). 所有的动物都必须有当地司法管辖区要求的当前疫苗接种证明.

22. Obstructing customers with disabilities from accessing features necessary to use transit services such as ramps, 电梯, 指定座位区, 还有高高的积木.

23. 拥有或运输大型物品,限制顾客在运输工具或设施上或周围合理、安全移动的.

24. Possessing or transporting any flammable liquid, 易燃材料, or other dangerous or hazardous item or substance such as gasoline, 煤油, 或丙烷, including in a canister or machinery.

25. 携带任何武器, dangerous instrument (including but not limited to switchblade knife, 重力刀, 盒刀, 刮胡刀, razor blade not wrapped or enclosed in a protective covering, 或剑), or any other item intended for use as a weapon, except to the extent and in the manner authorized by law. 合法的枪支可以携带,但必须卸下弹药,装在一个封闭的容器里,完全不让人看到,也不让人认出是武器. 本款不适用于执法人员或已正式发给并有效携带此种武器的隐蔽携带许可证的人.

26. 写作, 标记, 涂鸦, 丑化, or causing destruction on or to any RTD vehicle 或财产 in any manner.

27. Intentionally occupying more than one seat of an RTD vehicle or 设施 when seating is limited. This section is subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section IV.

28. 进入或留在RTD车辆或设施时,因饮酒或吸毒而严重受损,以致无法安全使用RTD的运输服务. Lying on the floor, bench, platform, stairway, landing, ground or conveyance.

29. Camping without a permit.

30. Storing personal property (except for designated areas such as bike lockers/racks when using transit) without a permit.

31. Occupying or traversing landscaped areas (other than lawns intended for public use.

32. Blocking or impeding the safe and 方便 boarding, 退出, 或者使用过道, 电梯, 自动扶梯, 通路, 门, 或楼梯. Interfering with the 操作s or facilities maintenance in a way that poses a danger or unreasonably impedes a customer’s movement (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4.

33. Failing to clear a designated wheelchair/mobility device area upon request.

34. 占用或留在RTD物业,而整体情况表明个人没有使用RTD服务, contracting lawful business, engaging in protected speech, or otherwise exercising a fundamental right.

35. Unplugging a data or electrical plug already being used in an RTD vehicle or 设施.


36. 玩滑板, inline or roller skates, 自行车, 踏板车, 赛格威, hoverboard, 或其他轮式个人交通工具(除非用作残疾人的行动辅助工具)在任何RTD车辆内或上, 设施, 或财产. Strollers, non-ridden and non-straddled 自行车s, and wheeled lugg年龄 are permitted.

37. Placing a 自行车 on any RTD vehicle in other than designated locations or without staying next to the 自行车.

38. Using any wheeled device in an unsafe manner that could cause injury to others.


39. Bathing or washing clothes in RTD restrooms.

40. Failing to use designated sharps disposal containers to dispose of sharps waste.

41. Failure to wear footwear, 衬衫/上衣, and pants/shorts/skirts on or in any RTD vehicle or 设施 (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4).

42. Putting shoes/feet up on any seat in an RTD 设施 or vehicle.

43. Spitting or intentionally soiling any seat or other area (other than designated trash receptacles) with liquids, 土壤, 油脂, 油, 食物, 垃圾, 尿液, 粪便, 体液, 或者其他物质.

44. Intentionally causing a repulsive odor so extreme and unavoidable that it causes a nuisance, unreasonably interferes with the use, 操作, or enjoyment of an RTD vehicle or 设施, or creates a direct threat or unsafe condition. (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4).

45. Engaging in public nudity or exposing genitals.

Other Prohibited or Illegal Activity

46. Any illegal activity under any applicable federal, 状态, 或者当地法律, 条例, 或法规, including but not limited to assault; menacing; theft; possession of illegal drugs; counterfeiting; 垃圾ing; vandalism; hindering public transportation (CRS 18-9-114); and endangering public transportation (CRS 18-9-115).

47. Failure to comply with a reasonable request from an RTD employee or representative related to RTD 操作 policies.

The ADA and Reasonable Modification:

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), transportation entities are required to make reasonable modifications to their policies, 实践, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure that their 项目 are accessible to individuals with disabilities. In accordance with this directive, RTD will make every effort, to the maximum extent feasible, to ensure that a person with a 残疾 has access to, 并从中获益, 它的服务.

RTD will make reasonable modifications to its policies, 项目, 以及在必要时适用于其运输服务的程序,以避免歧视并确保残疾人的无障碍.

There may be certain situations when RTD’s policies and procedures do not achieve ADA objectives/accessibility. 可能需要修改这些政策和程序,以确保残疾乘客能够使用澳博体育app.

Examples of reasonable modification can be found on RTD’s website under 可访问性. When making a reasonable modification for an individual with a 残疾, the modification is not intended to:

cause a direct threat to the health and safety of others;

create undue financial 和行政 burdens;

constitute a fundamental alteration to a service;

be more than necessary to provide equal access to an RTD service.

Any questions or concerns on reasonable modification should be directed to RTD’s Division of Civil Rights, ADA经理办公室: 303-299-2221.



If violations of this Code of Conduct appear or are claimed to be caused by a 残疾, RTD personnel are to contact Dispatch or Security for advice and assistance.

Enforcement will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. 任何从事上述任何禁止行为(第III条)的人可能会被警告和/或命令立即离开RTD车辆, 设施, 或财产 by a law enforcement officer, an RTD Transit Security Officer, an RTD Bus/Light Rail/Commuter Rail Line Supervisor, or other authorized RTD personnel. 该等人员有权向该人员发出命令,要求其在服务日剩余时间内离开RTD财产.

Situations where a person refuses to leave an RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产 after being ordered to do so may be considered trespassing and may be referred to law enforcement personnel.

A person who eng年龄s in any of the above prohibited conduct may also, 或相反, be issued a suspension by RTD, suspending the person from all RTD vehicles, 属性, and services for a determined amount of time pursuant to RTD’s Service Suspension policy and procedures.


Suspension or orders to exit RTD property may be appealed pursuant to RTD’s Service Suspension policy and procedures.

In addition to any other enforcement under this Code, 在没有证据证明已支付适当费用的情况下乘坐RTD车辆,将按照科罗拉多州交通法规进行处理, C.R.S. § 42-4- 1416.

In addition to any other enforcement under this Code, illegal activity may result in a citation under any applicable federal, 状态, 或者当地法律, 监管, 或条例, 包括C.R.S. § 18-9-114 - Hindering Transportation (Class 2 Misdemeanor), and C.R.S. § 18-9-115 - Endangering Public Transportation and Utility Transmission (Class 3 Felony).

This Code of Conduct does not seek to limit, 取代, or conflict with any federal, 状态, 或者当地法律, 监管, 或条例,并不限制或阻止任何执法机构或实体对任何RTD车辆内或车辆上的任何人采取任何合法行动, 设施, 或财产.

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