Accessible Bus Vehicles

All RTD buses, including the Free MallRide, Free MetroRide, and rail vehicles, are accessible for mobility aids such as wheelchairs, electric scooters, segways, walkers, and crutches. 公共汽车和铁路运营商接受过培训,以帮助残疾乘客上车或下车.

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How do I board and deboard the bus using a mobility aid?

公交运营商将清理安全区域,并尝试让携带助行工具的乘客上车,然后再让在公交站等候的乘客上车,以确保他们能够进入安全区域. 如果你坐轮椅,你可以向前或向后上车. If needed, ask the bus operator for assistance when boarding. 将助行器放置在指定的安全区域,以免堵塞过道. 使用升降机或斜道的乘客可在指定站下车, 除非升降机无法展开或其他情况使停站不安全.

Will the bus operator secure my wheelchair for me?

Yes, but you have the option to be secured. It is not required that you secure your wheelchair. 公共汽车运营商被要求为所有使用轮椅的乘客提供安全保障,并接受过适当的培训. 如果您有特殊的方式需要轮椅固定,请告知操作员.

Am I required to have my wheelchair secured?


How many wheelchairs are allowed in the securement area?

所有RTD总线的设计都符合关于无障碍的联邦法规. 每个安全区域设计为保护一(1)个使用轮椅的人.

What if the lift or ramp is inoperable?

公交运营商将尝试通过所有可行的方法与RTD调度联系. 调度员将向接线员提供有关如何安置您的信息,接线员将把这些信息转达给您. In either situation, if the next bus is not due to arrive for more than 30 minutes, the bus operator will offer you a transfer, 并在离站前安排其他交通工具.


所有RTD巴士都有指定的安全和优先座位区, with signage, 为残障人士或使用助行工具的乘客而设.


“优先座位”是指非安全区域的第一排座位. 至少有一(1)组面向前方的座位将被指定为优先座位.

How do I go from an Access-a-Ride user to a fixed route user?

With more than 140 bus routes traveling from north to south, east to west, and all points in between, 使用RTD固定路线服务,您可以快速轻松地到达目的地. 固定路线服务是免费的,为所有用户提供更多的自由和灵活性. 学习骑RTD固定路线很容易,我们可以帮助过渡.

RTD提供免费旅行培训计划,专为60岁以上的老年人设计, people with disabilities, 还有一些行动不便的人学习如何乘坐公共交通,以此来扩大他们的交通选择和省钱. There is no charge for the Travel Training Program. 参与者可以免费乘坐固定路线和FlexRide巴士,他们的Access-a-Ride服务将保持不变. To learn how to ride transit, please contact RTD Training at 303-299-4144 or [email protected].

Bus Wheelchair Securement and Priority Seating

使用轮椅的客户必须使用指定的安全区域,并且可以在没有操作员帮助的情况下固定或松开轮椅. 客户也可以利用操作员的帮助来确保安全——RTD为客户提供“Secure Here”贴纸和“Stoke绑带”,以指示绑带应如何以及在何处系在轮椅上. To obtain stoke straps, ask the operator or call 303-299-4056.


Individuals who use mobility aids, including wheelchairs, have equal access to the securement areas on buses.

Read the policy here.

Accessible Seating

Will the driver clear an accessible seat for me?

Yes, 巴士公司会要求其他乘客让座给你.

What if the securement area is full?

如果安全区域挤满了其他使用移动辅助设备的乘客,巴士运营商将使用高优先级信息与调度员联系,以获得快速响应. They will fill out the ADA PAX PASS UP FORM, give you a copy, and relay to you how you will be accommodated.

What if a passenger refuses to move from the securement area?

如果安全区域内的某个人没有按照运营商的要求移动,运营商将使用高优先级消息联系他们的调度员以获得快速响应. 调度员将提供有关如何接待您的信息.


Able bodied passengers traveling with large items, such as luggage, grocery caddies, 婴儿车必须坐在公共汽车轮椅安全区和优先座位区后面,把他们的物品放在远离过道的地方. 他们可能会把额外的空间留给自己和他们的物品.

* Strollers must be collapsed prior to boarding. Only folded strollers will be allowed on board.



在处理婴儿车时,司机的责任是什么, large items, and mobility devices?

公交公司会要求所有携带大件物品的乘客上车, such as luggage, grocery caddies, 和婴儿车使用额外的空间区域为自己和物品. 如果乘客拒绝使用额外的空间区域并造成冲突, 公共汽车操作员将与他们的调度员联系以获得进一步的指示.

What does RTD consider to be a mobility device?

A “mobility aid” means a device, such as a wheelchair, scooter, or walker, 残疾人专用的:为残疾人的行动而设计和使用的, not for convenience only.

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