

RTD董事会于2015年12月批准了房地产非应邀提案政策. 下面的过程实现策略的B部分.

RTD receives and evaluates Unsolicited Proposals through eight steps beginning with the initial step of exchanging information between the proposer and RTD. 这个八步手术预计需要一年半到三年的时间. RTD可在任何时候选择不再进一步处理非应邀提案.

Step 1: Information Exchange

The goal of this step is to create an information gathering opportunity and for RTD to provide technical and process details, as available. The applicant will submit information through the Initial Request Form and attach relevant documents. The TOD Case Manager will review the form, consult with others at RTD, and aim to provide a response within 14 days.

Developer Role:

RTD Role:

  • TOD Case Manager assigns a tracking number
  • TOD案例经理提供对初始请求表单的响应, 包括有关当地管辖权的特定站点信息, ownership, parking, transit uses, federal interest, existing local plans, environmental documents, etc.
  • TOD案例管理器提供审查过程的概述
  • TOD案例经理提供相关的指导方针和标准

Step 1 Resources

  1. TOD Initial Request Form

Step 2: Technical Review

The Technical Review begins with the submittal of the Technical Review Form with all recommended attachments to the TOD Case Manager. The submittal will be evaluated, and will be circulated to internal departments as determined applicable by the TOD Case Manager. The TOD Case Manager and representatives from other departments will review the technical merit of the project and determine whether there are any fatal flaws.

If there are no fatal flaws, a Joint Development Authority to Proceed will be requested from RTD’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and General Manager (GM). If authority is granted, the TOD Case Manager will provide a response to the developer and set up a meeting with the developer, including relevant RTD staff. The developer will have the opportunity to provide a written list of questions prior to the meeting. Following the meeting, the TOD Case Manager will outline outstanding issues and concerns to be mitigated or corrected in the Unsolicited Proposal. Step 2 is a Technical Review only, and principles pertaining to site design, density, TOD principles, etc. will not be discussed.

Developer Role:

  • Complete the Technical Review Form and submit with relevant documents and plans to the the TOD Case Manager
  • Attend project review meeting

RTD Role:

  • 相关RTD部门审核开发者提案的技术细节
  • RTD领导批准或拒绝联合开发授权进行
  • TOD Case Manager provides to developer written summary of technical requirements as well as guidelines and criteria, as relevant
  • TOD案例经理在分发书面意见后安排评审会议
  • RTD员工与开发人员会面,详细说明反馈并回答开发人员的问题
  • TOD案例经理将在非应邀提案(步骤3a)中概述要解决的问题。

Step 2 Resources

  1. Technical Review Form


开发商在完成步骤1和步骤2后提交非应邀提案申请. 该提案已提交给RTD采购公司(1660 Blake Street, Denver, CO 80202)。. 采购部门将提案转发给TOD案例经理, 谁检查提案的完整性(参见完整性检查表). 采购部门将收到提案及其完成程度通知开发人员. 采购部将提案提交总法律顾问部进行初步审查. If the proposal is deemed legally feasible, Procurement notifies RTD’s General Manager of the receipt of the proposal and forwards the proposal to RTD’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT). SLT assigns delegates to the review committee and the TOD Case Manager schedules the first meeting.

N.B. RTD保留就处理非应邀建议书收取费用的权利.

Developer Role:

  • Review Completeness Checklist
  • Complete the Unsolicited Proposal Application and submit the with relevant documents to RTD Procurement with a copy to the TOD Case Manager
  • 开发商可以在步骤3a之前向司法管辖区提交概念计划或预应用程序进行审查

RTD Role:

  • TOD案例经理审核提案的完整性
  • 采购部门将收到提案及其完成程度通知开发人员
  • 采购部向总法律顾问部提交建议
  • 如果建议被认为在法律上可行,采购部门通知研发部领导
  • RTD领导指派代表参加审查委员会
  • TOD案例经理安排第一次审查委员会会议


TOD Case Manager provides the Review Committee with an overview of the proposal at the first review meeting. The Committee uses the Impact Analysis Form to evaluate the proposal for financial and technical merit, 包括对RTD设施和运输系统的影响, and for applicant’s financial capacity. 委员会还评估提案是否符合当地管辖要求, plans and policies.

Developer Role:

  • Review Impact Analysis Form
  • 如有必要,回应澄清要求

RTD Role:

  • 委员会决定该提案是否有价值

Step 3b Resources

  1. Impact Analysis Form

Step 4: Request for Alternate Proposals

如果该提案被认为有价值,RTD将发布征求替代提案的公告. TOD案例经理将创建征集材料, which will include all basic site information provided to the original proposer; Procurement will notify the original proposer and post advertisements for the solicitation in appropriate journals. 招标期限为30-90天,具体取决于项目的复杂程度. TOD will notify the local jurisdiction that an Unsolicited Proposal has been submitted and alternate proposals are being requested. All information requested of the original applicant will be required with any alternate proposals in order to evaluate proposals in an objective, equitable manner.

RTD Role:

  • Procurement provides public notice that it has received an Unsolicited Proposal and requests alternate proposals
  • TOD Case Manager notifies the local municipality that an Unsolicited Proposal has been submitted and that alternate proposals are being accepted


At the end of the 30-90 day period, the TOD Case Manager will review all alternate proposals for completeness; Procurement will notify respondents and request any additional information required. 审查委员会将审查所有提案, 完成影响分析表格并开会讨论建议. 提案人可能有机会与评审委员会面谈.

TOD案例经理可以与其他利益相关者讨论建议, including the Federal Transit Administration, partner agencies, and the local jurisdiction. 评审委员会将选出一个优先考虑的发展商.

Developer Role:

  • Provide additional information, if requested
  • Interview with Review Committee, if requested

RTD Role:

  • TOD案例管理器检查新提案的完整性
  • Procurement notifies respondents and requests additional information (if necessary) from all proposers
  • 评审委员会评估提案并选择首选的开发商

Step 5 Resources

  1. Impact Analysis Form


Once a preferred developer has been selected, the TOD Case Manager will create a Committee’s Recommendation Report that incorporates staff comments from the technical review and impact analysis. The Report will outline next steps and detail outstanding issues and concerns to be mitigated or corrected during the exclusive negotiation. The Committee will review the Report for completeness before it is submitted to the General Manager. The General Manager will review the Report and determine whether he/she consents to moving into an Exclusive Negotiation Period.

如果获得批准,开发商将提供经审计的财务报表供RTD审查. 如果开发商的财务状况被RTD Finance认为合适, TOD案例经理将撰写董事会报告并向董事会提交建议. 开发人员可能会被要求参加演示. The Board will make the final determination of whether RTD should enter into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with the developer. If a proposal is not approved by the Board, 本项目的非应邀提案流程结束.

Developer Role:

  • Provide Audited Financial Statement
  • 可以参加RTD董事会的演讲吗

RTD Role:

  • TOD案例经理创建委员会的建议报告
  • Committee reviews the Report for completeness
  • 总经理评估委员会的建议报告
  • Finance reviews Audited Financial Statement
  • TOD Case Manager writes Board Report
  • 董事会评估选定的提案并批准或拒绝


With Board approval of the proposal, RTD agrees to negotiate exclusively with the selected developer about the property in question. The developer will review the Committee’s Recommendation Report to fully understand any outstanding RTD issues and concerns. The developer, if they have not done so already, 会否与司法管辖区进行概念计划/申请前覆核. The developer will then propose a Process Plan and Timeline for RTD and the jurisdiction’s review. RTD, the developer and the local jurisdiction will meet to agree on the proposed Process Plan and Timeline.

Developer Role:

  • Submit concept plan/pre-application to jurisdiction for review, if not completed before Step 3
  • 创建并提交工艺计划和时间表给研发部和相关部门
  • 参加工艺计划和进度协议会议

RTD Role:

  • TOD Case Manager and other relevant departments review the draft Process Plan and Timeline and attend meeting with developer and jurisdiction

Step 8: Project Planning and Deal Negotiation

RTD reviews all submittals from developer, including, but not limited to, service impacts, emergency response impact, access (ADA, pedestrian, bike, and parking), lighting, utilities, drainage, maintenance, safety/security, construction coordination, easements, financial agreements, etc. If there is agreement on all terms, the TOD Case Manager will request authorization from the Board to execute a Joint Development Agreement.

Developer Role:

  • 根据工艺计划和时间安排提交材料

RTD Role:

  • 审查开发人员提交的文件,并提供清晰、彻底的反馈
  • TOD案例经理向董事会提出建议
  • Board reviews project plan and authorizes General Manager to execute Joint Development Agreement

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