

The ground was wet from the prior weekend’s storm when Steve Martingano grabbed for the rope at the top of the obstacle, the third in the first mile of the course tucked deep in the 维吉尼亚州 foothills. 没有意识到他的手会把绳子上松弛的部分抓住, 他滑了一半, 双膝着地.


畅游美国.S. Marine-built course is a privilege extended to few people in the world – it constitutes the final test of the fitness challenge that is part of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, 维吉尼亚州. Fewer than 1% of police officers in the United States are invited to take part in the 10-week program, 提供先进的领导力, 沟通与健身训练. 成功地穿越了艰苦的过程, 被称为黄砖路, 肯定完成了一次世界范围内受人尊敬的经历. The RTD deputy chief considered all of this as he rang a bell at the finish and was handed a commemorative yellow brick.

“The whole entire program is exhausting – mentally, physically, emotionally,马丁加诺说. “拥有它(这块砖)就是一项成就.”

Martingano – who began his law enforcement career 30 years ago, with the New York City Police Department – is the first member of the RTD 交通警察 Department to complete the National Academy. 他九月毕业。. 作为第287届会议的成员, a class that included 199 law enforcement officers from 46 states and Washington, D.C. Agencies spanned 21 countries, four military organizations and three federal civilian organizations. Martingano was one of four participating individuals from Colorado.

“这是一个很小的群体, 但它影响深远,马丁加诺说, referencing the small number of people accepted into the National Academy and the worldwide influence that it holds. 完成该计划, 他补充说, 是一个巨大的成就:“这是联邦调查局在一天结束的时候. 你在向一流的执法机构学习.”

Martingano’s interest in the National Academy was piqued after he participated in a regional Command College offered by the FBI in Golden. Former colleagues with the Arvada and Denver police departments, 马丁加诺加入RTD之前在哪里工作, had taken part in the National Academy and told him the experience was first-rate. Participants typically return to their agencies to serve in executive-level positions.

RTD与FBI保持着良好的工作关系, Martingano指出, 这两个实体在共同关心的问题上合作. 经过四年多的上访, Martingano was told he would be a good fit for the National Academy, to which officers bring an average of 21 years of law enforcement experience. He was asked this spring whether he had interest in joining a class in July.

“这是一个巨大的时间承诺,”马丁加诺说. “I can’t thank the chief, the command staff and (General Manager and CEO) Debra (A. 约翰逊)足够让我走了. 我的同事们接替了我的很多工作. 我的家人放弃了他们的夏天. 他们知道这是我想做的事情.”

Most participants rank from lieutenants to chiefs at their home agencies, 马丁加诺指出, 但在匡提科, “你和其他人一样. 头衔在决策过程中有一定的意义, 但这个头衔并没有赋予你任何不同的权利. 人就是人. 在课堂上,他们只是他们的名字.”

Egos had to be checked at the door: Classmates were placed two to a dorm, four to a bathroom. 要求穿制服. 白天从早上7:30开始.m. Individuals ate meals in a cafeteria part of the FBI Training Academy, the same facility where the FBI trains its new special agents and intelligence analysts. Tours were often underway, with dignitaries from other countries visiting the complex.

这些建筑本身就是圣地, and the experience of walking the hallways is hard to put into words, Martingano说. “它一直在那里. 那些经历过那里的人, 图书馆和所有的书, 你认为, 谁翻过了这些页?”

The classes featured excellent instructors who explored areas of high interest to the group, 包括社区警务, 组织管理与领导, 以及公开演讲. 其中一门课程深入研究了聊天技术、无人机和机器人技术.

课堂以外的课程, Martingano说, the best part of the experience was the students – the observations and perspectives they brought, 以及每个人分享的经验和想法. Agencies from other countries approach policing differently, he observed.

And unlike a traditional police academy – where officers are often scared to raise their hand – the FBI’s instructors recognize the experience brought by those in the room.

“他们知道如果课堂上有人要发言, they are probably going to share something with the group that’s relevant,马丁加诺说. “在这里,你和一群同龄人在一起. 你会从别人那里学到一些东西. 你意识到你可以提供很多.”

同学们公开谈论招聘和留用问题, 例如, 并分享了他们正在做的事情. Some conversations explored community policing and youth involvement, which led Martingano to consider what the 交通警察 Department can do to build relationships with young people, 现在青年零车费计划已经到位. “We are going to be the first people they see when they are taking the bus or the train,他说。.

Dr. 老乔尔·菲茨杰拉德., RTD的警察和应急管理主管, 完成了联邦调查局国家行政学院的学习, an exclusive program for major city chiefs and assistant chiefs. “The FBI National Academy is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that challenges participants to become better versions of themselves, 无论是作为执法人员还是作为普通人,他说. “As Deputy Chief Martingano returns to work after this focused time away, he will bring observations and perspectives that benefit our growing department and provide strategic focus to the work we do.”

Martingano指出 that the National Academy builds important collaboration between the FBI and police divisions and departments – each type of law enforcement needs the other. And whether his classmates came from a large department like the one where he started his career – or another with just three officers – everyone graduated with the same curriculum.

“说到底,我们都有同样的工作,”他说. “And if you don’t learn from each other, you’re never going to grow.”

By RTD的员工
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