
Gisa McCray Simmons

The LGBTQIA+ acronym encompasses a rich tapestry of identities, recognizing the vast spectrum of gender, sexuality and physiological characteristics of human diversity. From lesbian, gay, bisexual, 跨性别者和双性人到那些认为自己是酷儿/质疑者或无性恋者, 这种包容性的术语强调了人类经验的复杂性和流动性, 接受非二元性和泛性身份以及更广泛认可的身份.

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, an annual June commemoration, traces its origins to the watershed moment of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. This event, 由警察突袭石墙酒吧引发,并由拒绝沉默的LGBTQIA+个人的韧性推动, 标志着这些社区争取民权斗争的转折点. It galvanized a movement pushing for equality, dignity and visibility for all LGBTQIA+ people worldwide.

Today, 骄傲月不仅是对进步的庆祝,也是对正在进行的争取正义和解放斗争的提醒.

In the realm of transportation, Secretary Pete Buttigieg 已经成为LGBTQIA+代表和公平的捍卫者. 在约瑟夫·拜登(Joseph Biden)总统的政府中,他是首位确认在内阁任职的公开同性恋者, 布蒂吉格在运输部的领导以致力于包容性政策举措为标志. Beyond traditional infrastructure projects, 布蒂吉格的议程包括一种全面的交通公平方法, 解决LGBTQIA+个体在获得安全保障方面面临的系统性障碍, affordable and dignified transportation options.

Under Buttigieg's stewardship, 交通部已优先考虑与LGBTQIA+权利相关的举措, including:

  • 安全:加强安全措施,保护LGBTQIA+人群在过境场所免受骚扰和歧视
  • Accessibility: Improving accessibility for LGBTQIA+ people, particularly those who have a disability or are unhoused, to ensure equitable access to transportation services
  • 创新:促进交通技术和政策的创新,以解决LGBTQIA+社区面临的独特需求和挑战
  • 气候:推进有利于LGBTQIA+群体的可持续交通解决方案, 谁经常承受环境退化和气候变化的不成比例的影响
  • 就业与公平:促进交通行业LGBTQIA+个人的就业机会和经济赋权,同时倡导公平的劳动实践和工作场所保护

In the Denver metro region, RTD致力于促进包容性和非歧视,对促进交通公平至关重要. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office RTD坚持与就业有关的政策,禁止基于性别的歧视和骚扰, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. 通过在员工中培养包容和尊重的文化, RTD认识到多样性在道德上的必要性和建设复原社区的战略价值.

In alignment with RTD’s EEO Policy Statement,该机构对LGBTQIA+包容性的奉献超越了合规,而是采取了积极的措施来提高认识, understanding and acceptance. Through targeted EEO training and outreach initiatives, RTD的平等就业机会办公室努力教育员工了解LGBTQIA+个人在工作场所面临的独特挑战,并培养一种同情和团结的文化.

Additionally, the Transit Equity Office (TEO)确保RTD为所有乘客提供无障碍的公共交通,不论其性别表达, sexual orientation, gender identity or other protected characteristic. RTD努力创造一个公平和欢迎所有人的交通系统.

为了庆祝同志骄傲月,RTD鼓励公众庆祝. People can plan a trip 并通过以下建议的方式与LGBTQIA+ pride结盟或参与:

  • 4-7 p.m. 6月6日,星期四,穿上你最好的 70年代 服装,参加 ”A Legacy of Pride: West of 50 Rooftop Pride Party.“ West of 50和丹佛公共图书馆的合作将会是一个充满乐趣的下午, karaoke, prizes, music and more, held on the rooftop of The Center on Colfax.
  • Get ready for a night of fun and celebration at First Friday: Celebrating LBGTQIA+ Pride, 5-9 p.m. Friday, June 7, at Museo de la Americas. Explore the vibrant local artist vendors, indulge in delicious food from the food trucks, enjoy a refreshing drink, get inspired by the exhibition and meet other art enthusiasts.
  • From noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 15, participate in Lafayette Youth Pride,为青少年和家庭提供美食和娱乐的资源展.
  • Attend Denver PrideFest6月22日至23日,由科尔法克斯中心主办,在市民中心公园 举行为期两天的活动. 它拥有 250多家参展商,30家食品供应商和迷人的现场表演. This year marks the 50th anniversary of PrideFest.
  • Kick off Pride weekend by participating in Denver's PRIDE 5K on Saturday, June 22. 这个活动是一个重要的筹款活动,有助于为科罗拉多州的LGBTQ+社区提供必要的项目和服务. 筹集到的每一美元都直接用于支持社会支持团体, mental health services, youth centers and more.
  • Participate in the Boulder Pride Festival, hosted by Out Boulder County, from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 30.

RTD与LGBTQIA+社区的成员团结一致, 认识到它们在塑造交通公平方面的宝贵影响和不断发展的作用. By commemorating their contributions, RTD reaffirms its commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity and respect within its workforce and services. 随着LGBTQIA+骄傲月的到来,人们对平等的进步进行了反思, 我们呼吁继续共同努力,实现交通便利的未来, affirming and equitable for all individuals, irrespective of their gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.

Visit the RTD Civil Rights Division page here.

By Gisa McCray Simmons
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